About Me

My name is Caroline Guest and I am a rising sophomore at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I grew up in Short Hills, New Jersey, and graduated from The Pingry School in 2020. I am a media and journalism major with an emphasis on AD/PR, and plan to apply to the Hussman School next semester. Chapel Hill has always been a really special place for me, as my mom grew up here and both my parents attended UNC, which is where they met for the first time. My parents actually got married at the University Presbyterian Church on Franklin Street, and had their reception at the Carolina Inn. My Grandmother still lives here after 55 years, and growing up my family and I always spent most of August in Chapel Hill, as well as many weekend trips throughout the fall and winter for Carolina football and basketball games. Although I didn’t grow up in Chapel Hill or even North Carolina, I spent a significant portion of my childhood here and have always dreamed of attending UNC. Franklin Street has always been my second home, and I’ve watched the town of Chapel Hill change immensely just over the course of my life time. For this reason, I did my final video project for MEJO 121 on the history of Chapel Hill and how Franklin Street has changed since my Grandma first moved here in 1966.
Me dressed up as a Carolina Cheerleader for Halloween, age 7 Me and my family in Atlanta for the first UNC football game of the 2010 season, age 8 Me, my mom, and my brother at Suttons, age 4 Me at the Old Well, age 1